Takes raw input and wraps long lines to indent against the current line start.
When an indented/list line is encountered, which starts with spaces followed by a star "*", wrapped line’s indents will start 2 spaces after the star.
Lines attempt to split at words of 10 characters or less (see .MinCharsInSplitWord).
If a line needs to split along a word longer than this, a hyphen is inserted at the end of the line.
import argparse
import re
def__init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(BulletHelpFormatter, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.MinCharsInSplitWord=10def_split_lines(self, text, width):
#Split lines around line breaks and then modify each line
for Line in text.splitlines():
#Get the number of spaces to put at subsequent lines#0 if not a list item, oherwise, 2+list item start
ListEl=re.match(r'^*\*', Line)
NumBeginningSpace=(0if ListEl==Noneelse ListEl.end()+1)
#Add extra spaces at the beginning of each line to match the start of the current line, and go to a maxium of $width
#Get the word break points before and after where the line would end
MaxLineLen=max(min(width-NumSpacesToAdd, len(Line)), 1)
PrevWordBreak=CurWordBreak=0for WordBreak in re.finditer(r'(?<=\W).|\W|$', Line):
if CurWordBreak>=MaxLineLen:
if CurWordBreak==MaxLineLen:
break#If previous wordbreak is more than MinCharsInSplitWord away from MaxLineLen, then split at the end of the line
IsSplit=(PrevWordBreak<1or CurWordBreak-PrevWordBreak>self.MinCharsInSplitWord)
SplitPos=(MaxLineLen if IsSplit else PrevWordBreak)
#Append the new line to the list of lines
Lines.append(SpacesToAdd+Line[0:SplitPos]+('-'if IsSplit else''))
#If this is the end, nothing left to doiflen(Line)==0:
break#If this is the first pass, update line creation variablesif IsFirstPass:
SpacesToAdd=(''* NumSpacesToAdd)
return Lines