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JavaScript Cookies Functions

Just throwing these up here for reference. Simple JavaScript scripts to get and set cookies. Not particularly foolproof, robust, or fully featured.

function SetCookie(Name, Value, SecondsToExpire) { document.cookie=Name+"="+escape(Value)+"; expires="+new Date(new Date().getTime()+SecondsToExpire*1000).toUTCString(); }
function GetCookie(Name)
	var Match=document.cookie.match(new RegExp('(?:^|; ?)'+Name+'=(.*?)(?:;|$)'));
	return Match ? unescape(Match[1]) : null;
Erasing Website Cookies
A quick useful code snippet because it takes way too long to do this through normal browser means
This erases all cookies on the current domain (in the “ / ” path)

function ClearCookies() //Clear all the cookies on the current website
	var MyCookies=document.cookie; //Remember the original cookie string since it will be changing soon
	var StartAt=0; //The current string pointer in MyCookies
	do //Loop through all cookies
		var CookieName=MyCookies.substring(StartAt, MyCookies.indexOf('=', StartAt)).replace(/^ /,''); //Get the next cookie name in the list, and strip off leading white space
		document.cookie=CookieName+"=;expires=Thu, 01-Jan-1970 00:00:01 GMT; path=/"; //Erase the cookie
		StartAt=MyCookies.indexOf(';', StartAt)+1; //Move the string pointer to the end of the current cookie
	} while(StartAt!=0)

I went a little further with the script after finishing this to add a bit of a visual aspect.
The following adds a textarea box which displays the current cookies for the site, and also displays the cookie names when they are erased.
<input type=button value="Clear Cookies" onclick="ClearCookies()">
<input type=button value="View Cookies" onclick="ViewCookies()">
<textarea id=CookieBox style="width:100%;height:100%"></textarea>
<script type="text/javascript">
function ViewCookies() //Output the current cookies in the textbox

function ClearCookies() //Clear all the cookies on the current website
	var CookieNames=[]; //Remember the cookie names as we erase them for later output
	var MyCookies=document.cookie; //Remember the original cookie string since it will be changing soon
	var StartAt=0; //The current string pointer in MyCookies
	do //Loop through all cookies
		var CookieName=MyCookies.substring(StartAt, MyCookies.indexOf('=', StartAt)).replace(/^ /,''); //Get the next cookie name in the list, and strip off leading white space
		CookieNames.push(CookieName); //Remember the cookie name
		document.cookie=CookieName+"=;expires=Thu, 01-Jan-1970 00:00:01 GMT; path=/"; //Erase the cookie
		StartAt=MyCookies.indexOf(';', StartAt)+1; //Move the string pointer to the end of the current cookie
	} while(StartAt!=0)
	document.getElementById('CookieBox').value='Clearing: '+CookieNames.join("\nClearing: "); //Output the erased cookie names

Live Example: