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Fixing VeraCrypt EFI Boot

I recently decided to swap around my hard drives to different SATA slots so my most used hard drives were on the fastest ports. Unfortunately, when I did this, my computer stopped booting to Windows. I never did figure out why my bootable EFI partitions only showed up randomly in BIOS depending on which hard drives were plugged in, but I found a configuration the computer liked and I was able to see the Microsoft Boot EFI partition and EFI boots on my USB keys.

The next step was to get the computer actually booting to something I could run commands on. When I try to boot directly to the EFI shell, the resolution is always screwed up and I can only see the top half of what should be visible, so I can’t actually see the command line I am typing too. This actually happens to everything I directly boot to that uses console text. The way around this for me is that I need to boot to the BIOS setup, and from there tell it to boot immediately to the EFI option of my choice when exiting the BIOS. From there, the proper resolution is used and everything is visible.

Next, in the EFI shell, you can run map to see all of the available possible mounts. This should automatically run when the EFI shell starts anyways, so you should already have that information. Any detected EFI partition on any bootable device should be given a mapping of “fs#” where # is a number. In my case, it was fs0. So to mount that, I ran mount fs0 x. “x” could be whatever you want, it doesn’t really matter. It’s analogous to a drive letter in windows, and you can make it any string (within reason, I believe anything alphanumeric should be fine). So next you would run x: to switch to that drive. From there, you can run cd EFI\Microsoft\Boot and then bootmgfw.efi to boot to windows.

Since I use VeraCrypt system encryption, I had to go to “EFI\VeraCrypt” and run DcsBoot.efi to finally boot into Windows through VeraCrypt.

Finally, to get the Windows Boot manager to start with VeraCrypt, run in the Windows command prompt bcdedit /set '{bootmgr}' path \EFI\VeraCrypt\DcsBoot.efi.

Slackware 64 Linux Install on UEFI

I recently tried to install Slackware 4.2 64-bit (Linux) onto a new mini PC I just bought. The new PC only supports UEFI so I had major issues getting the darn setup on the install cd to actually run. I never DID actually get the install cd to boot properly on the system, so I used an alternative. While the slack install usb key was in, I also added and loaded up an ubuntu live cd usb key. The following is what I used to run the slackware setup in Ubuntu.

#Login as root
#sudo su

InstallDVDName=SlackDVD #This is whatever you named your slackware usb key

#/mnt will contain the new file system for running the setup
cd /mnt

#Extract the initrd.img from the slackware dvd into /mnt
cat /media/ubuntu/$InstallDVDName/isolinux/initrd.img | gzip -d | cpio -i

#Bind special linux directories into the /mnt folder
for i in proc sys dev tmp; do mount -o bind /$i ./$i; done

#Mount the cdrom folder into /mnt/cdrom
rm cdrom
mount -o bind /media/ubuntu/$InstallDVDName/ ./cdrom

#Set /mnt as our actaul (ch)root
chroot .

#Run the slackware setup

#NOTE: When installing, your package source directory is at /cdrom/slackware64
Reading Mailchimp batch request results

It’s a bit of a pain reading results from batch requests to Mailchimp. Here is a quick and dirty bash script to get and pretty print the JSON output. It could be cleaned up a little, including combining some of the commands, but meh.

#Example variables

#Request the batch information from Mailchimp
curl --request GET --url "https://dummy:$APIKEY@$APIURL/3.0/batches/$BATCHID" 2> /dev/null | \

#Get the URL to the response
grep -oP '"response_body_url":"https:.*?"' | \
grep -oP 'https:[^"]*' | \

#Get the response
xargs wget -O - 2> /dev/null | \

#The response is a .tar.gz file with a single file in it. So get the contents of this file
tar -xzvO 2> /dev/null | \

#Pretty print the json of the full return and the “response” objects within
php -r '$Response=json_decode(file_get_contents("php://stdin"), true); foreach($Response as &$R) $R["response"]=json_decode($R["response"], true); print json_encode($Response, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);'
Babyface Pro Volume Modification via Mousewheel

Part of my workstation’s audio setup uses the RME Babyface Pro. Until the most recent update of their software, the built-in Window’s sound’s master volume for the device was ignored. So while this script isn’t as important as before, I still find it very useful. So the following is an AutoHotkey script which modifies the master volume in the TotalMix FX window via the mousewheel (when alt+ctrl is held down). This expects the TotalMix FX window to be sized as small as it can, and to have a channel selected for the control room’s Main Out. It should look like this:

TotalMix FX Sized For Volume Modification

The script is as follows:
;Function to create lparam/wparam for SendMessage
CalculatePARAM(w1, w2)
	IfLess, w1, 0
		w1 := 65535 + w1 + 1
	IfLess, w2, 0
		w2 := 65535 + w2 + 1

	return (w2<<16 | w1)

;Send a mouse wheel action to a window
SendMouseWheel(WindowHWND, Steps, XPos, YPos)
	WheelStepAmount := 120

	;Calculate and execute the message
	WinGetPos, ScreenX, ScreenY,,, ahk_id %WindowHWND%
	wparam := CalculatePARAM(0, Steps*WheelStepAmount)
	lparam := CalculatePARAM(XPos+ScreenX, YPos+ScreenY)
	SendMessage, %WM_MOUSEWHEEL%, %wparam%, %lparam%,, ahk_id %WindowHWND%

ControlGet, ControlHWND, Hwnd,,AfxFrameOrView100s1,RME TotalMix
if ControlHWND
	SendMouseWheel(ControlHWND, 1, 36, 428)

ControlGet, ControlHWND, Hwnd,,AfxFrameOrView100s1,RME TotalMix
if ControlHWND
	SendMouseWheel(ControlHWND, -1, 36, 428)